If you think you need a mouse to browse Facebook on your desktop computers, think again. You can browse through your facebook pages without having a mouse using only your keyboard shortcuts. Check out some of these Facebook hidden keyboard shortcuts..The list is not that long but will give you a good basic functionality. ALT + (Shift + 1)(!) - Facebook Home ALT + (Shift + 2)(@) - Your Wall Page ALT + (Shift + 3)(#) - Friend Requests ALT + (Shift + 4)($) - Messages ALT + (Shift + 5)(%)- Notifications ALT + (Shift + 6)(^) - Account Settings ALT + (Shift + 7)(&) - Privacy Settings ALT + (Shift + 8)(*) - Facebook's facebook profile ALT + (Shift + 9)(() - Terms Of Service page ALT + (Shift + 0)()) - Help Center ALT + ? - Search Facebook ALT + Shift + m -- Compose new message
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