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Showing posts with the label Search Engine

$50 million Google coding initiative targets girls

Teamare Gaston, 17, thinks she'd like to be a business journalist. But Google has other designs on her brain. On Thursday, Gaston and 150 other New York-area high school girls will attend the kickoff event for Made with Code, a $50 million Google initiative with the simple and singular focus of bringing more girls into the coding fold. "Our industry has lots of stereotypes, including the notion that coding means sitting at a computer alone," says Google Vice President Megan Smith. "We hope to show girls that coding is fun. But there's also the simple fact that supply and demand is not working. There are millions of jobs out there going begging." Google's event, held at a hip Manhattan loft called Skylight Modern, features host Mindy Kaling (of TV's The Mindy Project), speakers such as Chelsea Clinton and a range of tech-savvy women bent on inspiring the teens in attendance. Made with Code's mission is anchored by a websitegir...

Google dealt massive blow in Canada regarding search

T he Canadian Supreme Court has put Google on its heels, ruling that search results must be scrubbed clean all over the globe. In a case that had one company asking that Google remove search results of a rival, the courts ruled that those results must be banished the world over, not just Canada. It’s an odd precedent, and one that could have a lasting snowball effect. It goes like this: One company is trying to stop another from selling network devices, claiming they are using stolen trade information. Part of that lawsuit insists Google remove links to the Defendants 300+ websites, where they’re selling the devices. Pretty thorough for the Plaintiff, but the Supreme Court has taken it a step further. The highest court has granted a temporary injunction, saying that within 14 days, Google must remove links to the company’s sites. Not only must they do so for Canada, but the court has ruled that Google must do so in every country. The links will have disappeared from se...